xbox controller not working on windows 7

Xbox 360 Wired Controller Driver For Windows 8 64-Bit? - Windows 8.
Jun 28, 2012. i've Windows 7 as O.S, and i'm having some problems with my Xbox. When i' ve bought the play and charge kit for my xbox 360 controller, .
Jan 25, 2013. I have the same problem with a wired 360 controller and i'm on windows 7..yet every other game is working fine..? #2. olliebrown Jan 27, 2013 .
[Archive] XBox Controller not working in Windows 8 Saints Row The. me to abandon Windows 8 and go back to Windows 7 (and to create a .

If it matters, I'm having the exact same problem. Windows 7 64-bit, black wired 360 controller. Controller seems to work fine (though a few .
hi, i've got myself a copy of blazing angels but the game does not recognize my wired xbox 360 controller for windows. i. Join Date: Sep 2007; Posts: 7. 2, 3, etc button layout. it's not a controller problem 'cause i'm using the .
Apr 2, 2011. the problem is my computer wont see my xbox360 controller when its pluged. I have an xbox controller for my pc and since I have windows7 I .
Xbox 360 controller not working in PC version - SEGA Forum.
Xbox Controller not working in PC version Game - NASCAR The Game.
xbox controller not working on windows 7
PC won't recognize Xbox 360 wireless controller adapter. - Drivers.
[resolved!] setting up an xbox controller for pc is always that.
I have a wireless Xbox 360 controller for Windows that I have been using for. LIMBO few days ago with the controller and now it's not working.
Mar 19, 2013. i can select the xbox controller as what i want to use but no buttons are mapped and. try installing windows 7 64 bit drivers for the controller.
Dec 9, 2012. Drivers; Wireless; Controller; Xbox 360; Windows 7. to go select a driver manually (even after installing the driver), and it does not work with or .
XBOX 360 Controller not being recognized when connected to the USB.
xbox controller not working on windows 7
Controller not working at all [Mac] :: The Cave General Discussions.May 22, 2012. I also know that there isn't a problem with the xbox controller, as I have plugged it into another laptop (also Windows 7 64-bit), and the drivers .
Tags: Drivers; Controller; Xbox 360; Windows 7. Last response: July 7, 2011 4:30 PM in Windows 7. Share. EmoHz. ForumXbox 360 Controller not working?
Oct 21, 2009. i've Windows 7 as O.S, and i'm having some problems with my Xbox. When i' ve bought the play and charge kit for my xbox 360 controller, .
So far, I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium Edition, 64 bits.. Question then; has anybody been able to use their wireless Xbox 360 controller with Windows 7 and if so, how did. The USB cable that it uses only carries a charge, not data. .. on how to get your 360 controller working on your pc when you can spend some .
After hours of installing/uninstalling progs/drivers I plugged in my .. way to get the Xbox controller working on Vista & Windows 7 without all the .
Xbox 360 Controller Driver with split axis - Drivers - Windows 7.
May 22, 2012. I also know that there isn't a problem with the xbox controller, as I have plugged it into another laptop (also Windows 7 64-bit), and the drivers .
Tags: Drivers; Controller; Xbox 360; Windows 7. Last response: July 7, 2011 4:30 PM in Windows 7. Share. EmoHz. ForumXbox 360 Controller not working?
Oct 21, 2009. i've Windows 7 as O.S, and i'm having some problems with my Xbox. When i' ve bought the play and charge kit for my xbox 360 controller, .
Wireless 360 Controller possible fix. [Archive] - Ubisoft Forums.
XBox Controller not working in Windows 8 [Archive] - Steam Users.