average gas prices on january 20th 2009

High gas prices harmful to U.S. economy | TheGazette.
Lowest gas price on Staten Island -- Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2009 | SILive.
These are gas prices from Jan 20,2009 which is Obama's first day as President" Gasoline prices rose one-tenth of a cent to a national average .
Apr 28, 2011. The highest gasoline price average in the state is in Dallas, where a gallon of. And just think the price of gas was $1.84 on January 20, 2009.
Feb 20, 2012. "We have high gasoline prices which are costing us about $30 more for each. 19, 2009, the day before Obama was inaugurated, the national average for a. A Dodge Caravan minivan with a 20-gallon tank costs $32.20 more to fill. That's higher than January 2009, but still less than the figure Allen cites.
Feb 24, 2012. The AAA Web site lists the average regular fuel prices for each of the 50. January $1.78 Barack Obama inaugurated as president (Jan. 20).
Apr 26, 2011. RPC Chairman Price appalled at $4.00 per gallon gasoline prices. took over on January 20, 2009, the price of a gallon of gasoline was a high. up the cost of fuel, make us further dependent on foreign sources of energy, .
Jan 20, 2009. The lowest reported cash price for gas on Staten Island this morning can be found at the Getty station at the intersection of Brook and Fremont .
Short Sharp Shock.: Note to GOP on gas prices: Don't go there.
Weekly Minnesota Regular Conventional Retail Gasoline Prices - EIA.
factcheck.org : Is Obama to Blame for $4 Gasoline?
average gas prices on january 20th 2009
AAA FUEL GAUGE: Gasoline Prices Decline Almost 6 Cents Per.
Oil prices fluctuating on Inauguration Day | GAS PRICES.
The creators of the ad are saying that when Obama took office on January 20th, 2009 average gas prices were $1.78. Which the New York .
Feb 25, 2012. On Jan. 20, 2009, the day of President Obama's inauguration, the average price for gas nationwide, all grades, was down to about $1.90 a .
average gas prices on january 20th 2009
PolitiFact Virginia | George Allen says price of gas tank fill-up has.
What were gas prices January 20, 2009? | ChaCha.
High Gas Prices Should Spark Washington to Pursue Alternative.
These are gas prices from Jan 20,2009 which is Obama's first day as President" Gasoline prices rose one-tenth of a cent to a national average .
Apr 28, 2011. The highest gasoline price average in the state is in Dallas, where a gallon of. And just think the price of gas was $1.84 on January 20, 2009.
Feb 20, 2012. "We have high gasoline prices which are costing us about $30 more for each. 19, 2009, the day before Obama was inaugurated, the national average for a. A Dodge Caravan minivan with a 20-gallon tank costs $32.20 more to fill. That's higher than January 2009, but still less than the figure Allen cites.
Feb 24, 2012. The AAA Web site lists the average regular fuel prices for each of the 50. January $1.78 Barack Obama inaugurated as president (Jan. 20).
Apr 26, 2011. RPC Chairman Price appalled at $4.00 per gallon gasoline prices. took over on January 20, 2009, the price of a gallon of gasoline was a high. up the cost of fuel, make us further dependent on foreign sources of energy, .
Jan 20, 2009. The lowest reported cash price for gas on Staten Island this morning can be found at the Getty station at the intersection of Brook and Fremont .
Apr 22, 2011. Annual average retail gasoline and diesel fuel prices in 2009 were between $2.03 and $2.47 per gallon, respectively. Thanks for using .
Feb 24, 2012. Robert to Cookielane 2012/10/02 20:41:16. Robert. +2. Because they can't fault obama for the rising gas prices. He has no control over them .